Short Cut Keys for MS Word 2007

Ctrl+N - New - Create a new document file.

Ctrl+O - Open - Open old saved document file.  

Ctrl+S - Save - Save current contents in current file.

F12 - Save As - Save a new file with same or different file format. 

Ctrl+F2 - Print Preview - Check print preview of current file.

Ctrl+P - Print - Print current document file.

Ctrl+W - Close - Close current document file window only. 

Alt+F4 - Exit - Close current program window.

Ctrl+C - Copy - Copy selected contents.

Ctrl+X - Cut - Cut selected contents.

Ctrl+V - Paste - To Paste Cut or Copied Contents to a new place in current or other file.

Ctrl+Shift+C - Format painter -  Copy text format to apply on new text.

Ctrl+Shift+F - Font - Change font face.

Ctrl+Shift+P - Font - Change font size.

Ctrl+] - Increase font size.

 Ctrl+[ - Decrease Font size.

 Ctrl+> - Increase Font size. ( Use '>' Symbol with Shift Key)

 Ctrl+< - Decrease Font size. ( Use '>' Symbol with Shift Key)

Ctrl+B - Bold - Make text bold.

Ctrl+I - Italic - Make text Italic. 

Ctrl+U - Underline - Make text Underline.  

Ctrl+Shift+D - Double Underline

Ctrl+= - Subscript - Create small letter below the text baseline.

Ctrl+Shift++ - Superscript - Create small letter above the text.

Ctrl+L - Left Align - Align text to the left.

 Ctrl+R - Right Align - Align text to the right.

Ctrl+E - Center Align - Align text to the Center.

Ctrl+J - Justify - Justify text from both left and right side.

Ctrl+F - Find - Find text in the document.

Ctrl+H - Replace - Replace any text with new text in document.

Ctrl+G - Goto - To Goto specific place in the document.

Ctrl+A - Select All - Select all constants of current document.

Ctrl+K - Hyperlink - To link other file with text.

F7 - Spelling & Grammar - To check and correct spellings and grammar of document.

Alt+Click - Research -  Used to search through reference        materials, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and  translation services.

Shift+F7 - Thesaurus - Search similar and opposite word of   suggested word.

Ctrl+Shift+G - Word Count - count number of pages, paragraphs, lines, characters etc.

Ctrl+Shift+E - Track Change - Track all changes made in the    document.

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